nikki gale photography » Portrait Photography Serving Greater Seattle

Category Archives: family

mr. “w”…

mr. w is one of my baby planners so what that means is that i get to photograph him at 4, 8 and 12 months.  i love my baby planners because then i get to watch them grow!  i’m always sad at our 1 year session though because i know i’m not going to get […]

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the “a” family…

meet the “a” family… they were a lot of fun!  little miss “s” is just too cute for words.  i had the privilege of a new assistant, mr. “j”.  he did a fabulous job.  even though he was more in favor of being behind the camera i think we still got a few cute ones […]

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the “t” family…

here is the “t” family once again.  i have great clients and i love watching their families grow and this family is no exception.  they are great!  they are expecting a new little one so this was supposed to be a maternity session but little “e” is just so darn cute that i couldn’t help […]

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the “p” family…

ahhh, the “p” family.  they have two adorable little girls and i had so much fun photographing them.  we got some great shots playing in “a’s” room.  thanks for such a fun session! until next time, :)

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the “w-c” family…

so i met the “w-c” family down at greenlake.  they were a blast!  full of personality and so easy to work with.  as you can see, the boys had no problem getting the girls to giggle!  “j” i hope your shoe dried out!  thank you for a great session! until next time, :)

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