here is the lovely miss b. she needed new pics for her comp card and i don’t think she could be any cuter. we had such a good time and she loved modeling it up! until next time, :)
oh, look at all of that newborn sweetness! she is such a doll, isn’t she? i seem to have been in a newborn boom this year! hmmmm…. that’s perfectly fine with me, keep ’em coming! until next time, :)
mr. w is one of my baby planners so what that means is that i get to photograph him at 4, 8 and 12 months. i love my baby planners because then i get to watch them grow! i’m always sad at our 1 year session though because i know i’m not going to get […]
still in catch up mode, i couldn’t resist sharing these two little cutie pies. they came all the way from NJ! they were so sweet. miss “d” was getting ready to start kindergarten. (how exciting!) and little miss “t” being 3, gave me lots of great looks that 3 year olds are so good at […]
meet the “a” family… they were a lot of fun! little miss “s” is just too cute for words. i had the privilege of a new assistant, mr. “j”. he did a fabulous job. even though he was more in favor of being behind the camera i think we still got a few cute ones […]