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Category Archives: newborn

miss “p”…

oh, look at all of that newborn sweetness!  she is such a doll, isn’t she?  i seem to have been in a newborn boom this year!  hmmmm….  that’s perfectly fine with me, keep ’em coming! until next time, :)

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mr. “s”…

first off, how cute is he!  it’s no secret that i love newborns and mr. s was the perfect model.  once we got him toasty warm he slept like a log.  his parents are pretty smitten with him, too! until next time, :)

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mr. a’s all grown up…

well, if you count being a year old grown up!  i started photographing him when he was 4 months old and i can’t believe how quickly the time has gone or how big he is now.  he’s such a doll and has the most amazing family.  they have been so much fun to work with. […]

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