nikki gale photography » Portrait Photography Serving Greater Seattle

da da da da!

(said in my best impersonation of horns at court voice.)

i am officially announcing the blog!  i figured this would be a great way to let you know what i’m up to, give you sneak peeks, tips, ramblings, etc.  since last year i had a little special to celebrate my new website i’m going to do something similar this year to celebrate the new blog!  

so here are the details…  for those that book a traditional or urban session between today and October 31st*, you will receive a complimentary 8×10 and $25 of your session fee will be donated to the Chidren’s Hospital Hydrocephalus Research Guild, in your name of course.  (For more information on hydrocephalus, please go to

feel free to take a peek and tell me what you think!  

*your session must take place by october 31st.

not to be combined with any other offer.


Lori Poliski - Nikki, you are the best. On behalf of all of the kids with hydrocephalus in our guild and support group, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts (and brains)! Thank you for your time, talent and support of our cause in funding research for a cure.



for the past couple of years i have had the absolute honor of photographing kids with hydrocephalus.  the first session i had with them was for the hydros for hydro campaign for seafair 2006.  i was happy to be asked to do it but had no idea how it was going to affect me.  i absolutely fell in love with the kids that day.  driving home my heart was overflowing with joy, just oozing everywhere, i couldn’t contain it.  it still does whenever i think about it or see the pics.  i see, feel and relive the session and all of their magical personalities.  i’m no longer happy to photograph them, i’m honored.  i love following their stories, seeing them grow, etc.  so here’s another session and some new kids to melt my heart.  and once again, they did.

if you’d like more information about hydrocephalus, please click here.

if you’d like to see the whole gallery, please go to my website and enter the password hydrokids in the proofing section.

until next time!



hydrocephalus experience - nice shots! these kids doesn’t look like they have it because of their smiles, I’ll share it with Gabriel’s Life website if it’s okay

admin - thanks! of course you may share it. feel free to share with them! :)

Jennifer Bechard - Hi,

My name is Jennifer Bechard & I am the CO-Chair for the Detroit Hydrocephalus WALK in MI.

I just wanted to say I love your site & appreciate what you captured of the people with hydrocephalus. I have undergone 87 surgeries due to this & 70 have been in the past 3 years alone. We formed the First Annual Detroit Hydro WALK in 2007 & recently had our 3rd Annual. Over the past three years we have raised over 48,000. It has been so amazing to be able to watch our event bring hope to the parents. And when a smile appears on a child face because they realize they are not alone.. It is truly one of the best gift God can give me!

I admire your work. Thank you for helping people tell their stories & bringing hydrocephalus awareness to others!

Warm regards,
Jennifer Bechard
CO-Chair Detroit Hydrocephalus WALK

a & j…

so, i met “a” and “j” (and their mom) at this secret little photo spot i know of (hahaha) for a session we’ve been trying to do for about forever.  i think it was well worth the wait!  they are both too cute and have tons of personality.  “a” just got a new hat that she wanted to try out and “j” got a new leather bomber so of course we did the fonzie “ayyyyyyy” pose.  

“m”, here’s your sneak peek!  (ok, quite a big peek.  eek!)

doesn’t she look like a young anne hathaway?

until next time!



Jen Lane - Now those are two seriously beautiful children! And gorgeous images!2,3, and 6 in particular, just blow me away!

at the beach…

i recently had the opportunity to photograph a delightful family down at the beach.  there were a few sprinkles but the rain held off and we had a great session!  the sand, grass, rocks, wood… i was in texture heaven!  add on a super cute model and what more could you ask for?

“L”, since we won’t be able to meet until next week, here are a few more pics to tide you over!

until next time!



brianne - WOW nikki, these are beautiful…I love them all! Love your new blog!!!

Jen Lane - Oh these are DARLING!
I love those sandy feet! The texture and depth of your b/w is just gorgeous.
He seems to have so much personality! I love it. Mom’s red scarf is a great little touch too.
Lovely,lovely work!

John A. Thoma - Hi Nikki,

I am truly amazed by the sensitivity that comes through in your photographs, by using natural elements and not the typical “studio” shot, you bring out the indivivuality of your subjects…..EXCELLENT work, I wish I could reach this level…the photograph above (boy on beach…head shot)…….well,the eyes tell the story for me!

my first post…

well whadda ya know?  i have a blog!  i will mainly be posting photography related items such as sneak peeks, news, etc. but will occasionally be posting my ramblings.  

so what am i up to tonight?  well, for one thing, getting the blog up and running!  that and being sad that the olympics are over.  i so love the olympics.  at least i will get more sleep!  i’ve been up until 2am+ every night.  not that i’m complaining but i am a bit tired!  :)  the olympics are just so invigorating, inspiring, you name it!  (but then again i love sports!)  all in all, i think these were a good olympic games.  ah, but not to fear, the us open tennis tournament starts tomorrow so i won’t be too sad for too long!


A. Friend - Congrats! I know finding the time to create a blog site, as well as fill it with content, is challenging! I’ll keep my eyes open for the “ramblings” you elude to. I am excited to see what you have to say – and to see what pics turn up on your site. (I like what I see so far!)